商业函电英语改错题5道求助Your full co-operation in this respect will highly appreciate.We await for your shipping advice by fax.Our payment term is confirmed,irrevocable letter of credit for the full invioce value.Your delay in shipment will involve us to gerat difficulty.Please see to them that the letter of credits are established without the least possible delay.请找出错误加以改正,谢谢,在线,回答详细可信立刻给分,谢谢!


Your full co-operation in this respect will highly appreciate.
We await for your shipping advice by fax.
Our payment term is confirmed,irrevocable letter of credit for the full invioce value.
Your delay in shipment will involve us to gerat difficulty.
Please see to them that the letter of credits are established without the least possible delay.

Your full co-operation in this respect will be highly appreciated.
We will wait for your shipping advice via fax.
Our payment term is confirmed, please see our letter for the full invoice value.- 我不知道你想说什么。。给个中文好吗?
Your delay in shipment will result us experiencing great difficulties.
Please see to them that the letter of credits are established without any delay.

Your full co-operation in this respect will be highly appreciated.

We await your shipping advice by fax.

Our payment term is confirmed,with irrevocable letter of credit for the full invoice value.

Your delay in shipment will involve us in great difficulty.

Please see to them that the letter of credits is established without the least possible delay.

will be highly apprecaiated
confirm with
letter of credits---letters of credit

will be highly appreciated 被高度评价和赞扬
await--wait await是 及物动词,不加for
irrevocable前加with或者that's 句子成分不全
involve ---drive 把我们驱使到困境。比较形象的表达,或者改to

1.will be highly appreciated:被动语态2.await改成wait或把for去掉:await是及物动词3.Our payment terms are ...我们的付款条件是保兑的不可撤消的信用证...payment terms经常用复数,其它地方实在找不到错误.4.把...

1. appreciate 改为 be appreciated 此句需要表示被动的含义.

2. await是及物动词, 不需要用介词, for可以去掉.

3. for 改成as, 以发票价值开出不可撤消信用证.(单词拼写不算吧? invoice value.)

4. to 改成in, involve us in great difficulty. involve(常与in连用)牵涉;拖累

5. them 改成it, see to it that 保证.