用括号里的词回答:1.How long has your sister been working here?(June)2.How long has that man been waiting?(twenty minutes)3.How long has that woman been sitting there?(8:30)4.How long has that boy been talking on the phone?(five minutes)5.How long have you been talking to me?(ten minutes)


用括号里的词回答:1.How long has your sister been working here?(June)
2.How long has that man been waiting?(twenty minutes)
3.How long has that woman been sitting there?(8:30)
4.How long has that boy been talking on the phone?(five minutes)
5.How long have you been talking to me?(ten minutes)

1 Since June.
2 For twenty minutes.
3 Since 8:30.
4 For five minutes
5 For ten minutes

1.My sister has been working here since June.
2.Than man has been waiting for twenty minutes.
3.That woman has been sitting there since 8:30.
4.That boy has been talking on the phone for five minutes.
5.I have been talking to you for ten minutes.