I have a large collection of books in my room.And I usually spend hours___and thinking about facks described in each kind of books.This___got started when I was a little boy I___wanted my parents to read fairy tales and other short stories to me.Soon they got___of having to read to me from time to time.So I taught___to read as soon as I could.I started___ABC books.Soon I___read some popular fairy tales and other short stories.Now I read just about any


I have a large collection of books in my room.
And I usually spend hours___and thinking about facks described in each kind of books.This___got started when I was a little boy I___wanted my parents to read fairy tales and other short stories to me.Soon they got___of having to read to me from time to time.So I taught___to read as soon as I could.I started___ABC books.Soon I___read some popular fairy tales and other short stories.Now I read just about anything in my___.Reading___me able to learn about so many things.Through books I see many countries rise and___.Kings and presidents pass before my eyes and I can see___ the history of nations.From the books I learn about how people___in old days,and___other interesting things in the world.Reading books___me knowledge and makes me a cleverer person.For me a good book is not only a true friend but also a great___who teaches me through my life.

makes;fall;(into);lived; did