请帮忙翻译一篇英语小短文吧(初二水平),谢要完全人工翻译的Yhe Sound Do you know why we can hear the sound? Sounds we hear on the earth are carried by the air.since there is no air on the moon,people who go to the moon must talk to each ather by radio .dust in the earth's air,though very little,scatters the sunlight.this makes the earth's daytime sky blue and the shadows not completely dark. But on the moon,the sky is always black.you would be able to see stars even in the dayt


Yhe Sound
Do you know why we can hear the sound?
Sounds we hear on the earth are carried by the air.since there is no air on the moon,people who go to the moon must talk to each ather by radio .dust in the earth's air,though very little,scatters the sunlight.this makes the earth's daytime sky blue and the shadows not completely dark.
But on the moon,the sky is always black.you would be able to see stars even in the daytime .sunny places on the moon are very,very bright,but the shadows are almost black.the moon has no air to absorb the sun's heat,so it can get to enough to boil water in places where the sun is shining on.
Now,have you knowthis answer?
啊 标题错了........
是the sound

