请用所给句子的开头各造一个句子(英语)1.He alaways( )2.Linda seldom( )3.Does he often( )注:大家注意是单三形式.


1.He alaways( )
2.Linda seldom( )
3.Does he often( )

1.He alaways( makes his mother angry. )
2.Linda seldom( goes to bed before 12 o'clock.)
3.Does he often( go to school late? )

1.He alaways( gets up early? )他总是起床很早吗?
2.Linda seldom( comes to school late。)琳达上学很少迟到。
3.Does he often(have lunch at school?)他经常在学校吃午饭吗?

1.He alaways goes to school by bike.
2.Linda seldom plays table tennis.
3.Does he often do workhouse at home?