英语翻译1 现在是6月底,马上就要迎接暑假了2 他们将进行一段对话 根据对话回答问题4 现在回到文章来很简单的句子 但还是有些不确定 怕出丑 帮个忙 要人工翻喔


1 现在是6月底,马上就要迎接暑假了
2 他们将进行一段对话 根据对话回答问题
4 现在回到文章来
很简单的句子 但还是有些不确定 怕出丑
帮个忙 要人工翻喔

1.It's the end of June now ,summer holiday is just in the corner.
2.They are going to have a dialogue,answer the question according to the dialogue.
3.May everyone have a good time in holiday.
4.Now come back to the text.

1.it's late June,summer vacation is coming.
2.They would have a dialogue,please answer the questions according to it.
3.wish all of you a happy holiday!
4.now,back to the artical.

1 Now is the late of June, the summer vacation is coming.
2 They will have a dialogue,and then you will answer the questions according to the dialogue.
3 Have a good summer vacation!
4 Let's get back to the text.

1. It's the end of June right now, summer holiday is comming soon.
2. They are going to have a conversation, answer questions based on it.
3. Hope everyone has a great summer~
4. Now returning to the journal.

1Now it is the end of June,and we will soon have to meet/have the summer holiday
2 They will carry out a conversation ,answer the questions according to the dialogue
3 I wish you all a happy summer vacation .
4 Now come back to the article.