They watched,anguished,and they cried and commiserated--on social media,on the streets of chinese capital and ,on the case of one anchor,even on the state television.句中on the case of one anchor作什么理解?指liu xiang跨第一栏跌倒不好意思,我重新看了原文,我抄错一词。应该是in the case of one anchor。整句话能否翻译下?state television意为"美国电视"?


They watched,anguished,and they cried and commiserated--on social media,on the streets of chinese capital and ,on the case of one anchor,even on the state television.
句中on the case of one anchor作什么理解?
指liu xiang跨第一栏跌倒
不好意思,我重新看了原文,我抄错一词。应该是in the case of one anchor。
state television意为"美国电视"?

Anchor 再国外不止可以用“锚”来形容,也可以用"A person who slows down the entire group" 也就是“让整组人慢下来的那一位 "从这个短句来看,似乎大家在*什么.有可能是在*那一位,但是也可能是在讲船的”锚“...