根据中文提示写一段话,不少于60字,题目与开头以写好 My Father's Hobby中文提示:我爸爸喜欢集邮,他有许多来自各国的邮票,他常和他的朋友分享集邮的快乐.开头:My father has a hobby....


根据中文提示写一段话,不少于60字,题目与开头以写好 My Father's Hobby
中文提示:我爸爸喜欢集邮,他有许多来自各国的邮票,他常和他的朋友分享集邮的快乐.开头:My father has a hobby....

My father has a hobby. he likes colleting stamps.he has stamps from different countries,which vary in contents.culture,great people,landscapes,cute animals can be found in his colletions.they are really treasures.my father not only collets them but also share the happiness of colleting stamps with his friends.he learns a lot about stamps and broadens his views of stamps.now he is an expert of stamps.I am proud of him.

My father has a hobby.he likes colleting stamps.he has stamps from different countries,which vary in contents.culture,great people,landscapes,cute animals can be found in his colletions.they are really treasures.my father not only collets them but also share the happiness of colleting stamps with his friends.he learns a lot about stamps and broadens his views of stamps.now he is an expert of stamps.I am proud of him.