根据提示,以The Greens'Sunday 为题,写一篇不少于60词短文,简单描述格林一家周日一天的活动.必须有翻要点提示:1.星期天格林一家起得很早;2.早饭后去教堂,遇见很多人,之后去公园;3.先去划船;中午在树下吃野餐;饭后孩子们放风筝,格林夫妇散步.全家玩的很愉快.


根据提示,以The Greens'Sunday 为题,写一篇不少于60词短文,简单描述格林一家周日一天的活动.必须有翻

The greens have got up very early on Sunday,
After breakfast, go to church to meet many people go to the park; after,
Go boating, At noon on a picnic, under a tree. After the children walk kite, greens. All had a good time.

The Greens' Sunday
Last Sunday was a fine day.The Greens got up very early.After having the breakfast,they went to the church.They met many people there.Then they went to the park.Thew park was very nice.They went to the lake and rowed the boat in the lake.They had a picnic under the tree at noo.After lunch,the children flew the kite.Mr Green and Mrs Green went for a walk.The Green family had a very good time last sunday.