1.昨天,我爸爸给我买了一辆自行车.My father()()()yesterday.2.吃过午饭后,工人们继续下地干活.()()lunch,the workers continued working in the fields.3.那条巨型犬和他主人一样高.That huge dog is ()()()its owner.4.你发生什么事了?()()()you?5.人们能从恐龙的骨骼、蛋及脚印的化石上了解它们的生活.People can()()the lives of dinosaurs()fossils of their skeletons,eggs and footprints.


1.昨天,我爸爸给我买了一辆自行车.My father()()()yesterday.
2.吃过午饭后,工人们继续下地干活.()()lunch,the workers continued working in the fields.
3.那条巨型犬和他主人一样高.That huge dog is ()()()its owner.
5.人们能从恐龙的骨骼、蛋及脚印的化石上了解它们的生活.People can()()the lives of dinosaurs()fossils of their skeletons,eggs and footprints.

1.bought me a bike
2.after the
3.as tall as
4.what's wrong with
5.learn about by