英语翻译Lou Ming's day Lou Ming九点起床,发现迟到后赶紧起了自行车去学校,就过看见学校关着门,才记起今天是星期天,然后去了同学家,最后回家和爷爷奶奶一起吃饭,然后看电视,十点睡觉.


Lou Ming's day Lou Ming九点起床,发现迟到后赶紧起了自行车去学校,就过看见学校关着门,才记起今天是星期天,然后去了同学家,最后回家和爷爷奶奶一起吃饭,然后看电视,十点睡觉.

Ming Lou waked up at nine in the morning.He went to school in a hurry when he found he was late for school, but when he arrived at school he found the door was closing.Suddenly,he recalled today was Sunday.Then,he went to his friend's home.Finally,he went home to had dinner with his grandparents. After dinner, he watched TV.He went to bed at ten.