A:I am sorry,I ------------at you the other day B:Forget it .I was a bit out of control myself.A:I am sorry,I ------------at you the other day B:Forget it .I was a bit out of control myself.A shouldn't shoutB shouldn't have shoutedC mustn't shoutD mustn't have shouted怎么不选A 而选BA与B这两种类型有什么区别


A:I am sorry,I ------------at you the other day B:Forget it .I was a bit out of control myself.
A:I am sorry,I ------------at you the other day
B:Forget it .I was a bit out of control myself.
A shouldn't shout
B shouldn't have shouted
C mustn't shout
D mustn't have shouted
怎么不选A 而选B

shouldn't do 只是不应该做某事,而没有已经做了这件事的意思。

B 不应当做,但是已经做
A 不应当去做,还没有做


shouldn't have shouted本不该做什么但是做了(含有责备的语气)
A shouldn't shout 表示对现在发生的事
B shouldn't have shouted表示对过去发生事

A shouldn't shout 表示不应该做某事
B shouldn't have shouted表示本不应该做某事却做了,有懊悔之意