急用 请汉译英Do you agree that money talks?我的答案是正确的.当你的上级交付给你一项你极不愿意做的任务,你可以对他说不,因为你有钱.你可以四处游览,不必为旅费担心,应为你有钱.你可以从事完全没有报酬的慈善事业.因为你有钱.钱会说话,他能告诉你,你是*的.把你从生存带到生活,作自己想做的事情What are the things that money can't buy?钱能买得到药品,但买不来健康;钱能买得来房子,但买不来家庭;钱能得到富裕的生活,但买不来快乐.归纳以上两点,我想说的是:我们需要钱,而且需要很多钱.一个人有多少钱,就意味着他多大程度上是*的.但钱并不是我门生活的全部,它只是我们获得*的工具.*以外的,还得靠自己争取.


急用 请汉译英
Do you agree that money talks?
What are the things that money can't buy?

My answer is correct. When your superiors to give you one of your most reluctant to do the task, you can say no to him, because you have the money. You can go sightseeing, do not have to worry about travel, should you have the money. You can not pay in a charitable cause. Because you have the money.
Money will talk, he can tell you that you are free. Brought to you from living life for what they want.
归纳以上两点,我想说的是:我们需要钱, 而且需要很多钱.一个人有多少钱,就意味着他多大程度上是*的.但钱并不是我门生活的全部,它只是我们获得*的工具.*以外的,还得靠自己争取.
Money can buy medicine, but can not buy health; money can buy to house, but can not buy homes; the money to get rich life, but does not buy happiness.
Summarized above two points, I want to say is: we need money and need a lot of money. How much money a person to the extent to which means he is free. But money is not the whole life of my door, it's just that we get freedom. Free outside, have to be earned.