We are all loaded with 40 boxes high, 20 high box I do not know how many bags can hold. And the purchase of 1m thick and 1.5 thick little, I even do not know how many bags of a box can hold up.
Generally speaking, We are loaded with boxes of 40 height, and I don't know how many packages the box of 20 height could hold, In addition, it is hard to purchase the box with thickness of 1 meter and 1.5 meters, therefore ,i have no idea of how many package the box can hold.
We use 40m high box to load goods,I don't know the 20m high box can load how many bags,and that people barely buy 1m&1.5m thick,and I never even know a box can load how many bags,so I estimate a count help you reference
We generally use the box of 40 (后面加单位,英寸inches,英尺feet). I am not sure how many bags can the 20-inch box hold.
What's more, there are merely ones who buy 1m-thick or 1.5m-thick box.In that case, I don't know how many bags can the box hold.