这篇我给一个国外老师的英语信,求改错Actually I don't wanna be a broadcaster because I maintain economy controls the development of society.but the reason of why I decided to chose broadcast is what I think the language ability or communication is the extremely most vital thing of human's devolepment.Every field needs communication.the education of broadcast can teach me how to talk to society and how to talk to the world.so I just realized that my major is very applied


Actually I don't wanna be a broadcaster because I maintain economy controls the development of society.but the reason of why I decided to chose broadcast is what I think the language ability or communication is the extremely most vital thing of human's devolepment.Every field needs communication.the education of broadcast can teach me how to talk to society and how to talk to the world.so I just realized that my major is very applied.
Undergraduates will have a receipt from their university.but society didn't pay attention to the receipt when they meet society.our university matriculate huge numbers of examinees every year.CCP have lots of difficult problems of education system.We have saw some truely delectable advancements of China but as you know that the education system is perfecting in China.You should know CCP is a young party.they have to adjust the totally system in China.

Dear Mrs.McGill
Sorry to disturb you and please forgive for my poor English .
I'm Nica's cousin. My name is Leo Song( ALthough I appeared in March, actually I just love the combination of the name ),I'm twenty years old and I was born in Yantai in Shandong province.Yantai is a wonderful place although the economy does not develop very fast,this port city endows me with a peaceful and beautiful growing environment and it helps me to develop a good temper.A good temper doesn't mean that I'm an introversive person.I am good at dancing(poping) , singing and speaching in public ,etc. I'm a sophomore who major in broadcast in top-class arts of the college in Shandong.