英语翻译A boy gets a new best friend内容,第一段:A farmer's dog,Dolly.had puppies,and the farmer needed to sell them.he painted a sign and put it in his yard.as he was putting up the sign,a little boy walked up to his fence.第二段:"sir",he said,"I want to buy one of your dogs."第三段:"well",said the farmer,"these dogs are very expensive."第四段:"can I just look?"asked the boy.第五段"sure."said the farmer and whistled."here.Dolly!"he called第六段:Dolly ran out from the doghous


A boy gets a new best friend内容,第一段:A farmer's dog,Dolly.had puppies,and the farmer needed to sell them.he painted a sign and put it in his yard.as he was putting up the sign,a little boy walked up to his fence.第二段:"sir",he said,"I want to buy one of your dogs."第三段:"well",said the farmer,"these dogs are very expensive."第四段:"can I just look?"asked the boy.第五段"sure."said the farmer and whistled."here.Dolly!"he called第六段:Dolly ran out from the doghouse and four little dogs followed her.The boy became excited.