is this picture _____you drew at the age of five?A.who B.that C./ D.the oneshyness means feeling frihgtened when you are around other peaple.Some children are ____shy.A.shown B.born C.thought D.seen共2题.选哪个?为什么?可是老师给我的第一题的答案怎么是D呢?如果把它看成定语从句,好象就不是一句完整的句子了呀?


is this picture _____you drew at the age of five?
A.who B.that C./ D.the one
shyness means feeling frihgtened when you are around other peaple.Some children are ____shy.
A.shown B.born C.thought D.seen

B that引导的定语从句
B be born shy 生来害羞