求雅思老师改一下我的作文!我月底就要靠雅思了,结果作文还不会写,好不容易码出来一篇线形图,求大神给点意见,我还有各种柱状饼状木有解决,求大神给我指教.The picture is on P29 of IELTs5The chart indicates the proportion of the population aged 65 and over during a century period from 1940 in Japan, Sweden and USA. In 1940, the proportion of aged 65 or more in Japan was the lowest standing at 5%. Next comes Sweden, which stayed in the middle proportion generally(approximately) 7%.The figure for the USA is the largest, which is abo


The picture is on P29 of IELTs5
The chart indicates the proportion of the population aged 65 and over during a century period from 1940 in Japan, Sweden and USA.
In 1940, the proportion of aged 65 or more in Japan was the lowest standing at 5%. Next comes Sweden, which stayed in the middle proportion generally(approximately) 7%.
The figure for the USA is the largest, which is about 9%.
However, in around 1990 , the figure for Western countries increased to about 15% while , the figure for Japan dropped to about 2.5%
You can also see the expected percentages from some fluctuation in this chart. The proportion of older people will be likely to increase from 2020 to 2040 in the three countries. As this chart shown , a dramatic change will happen between 2030 and 2040 in Japan, whose figure will grow from 10% to 27%. Also, at that time ,the proportion of the three country will be similar among each other.