求英语作文,假设你是李明,收到了美国Alice的来信,写回信,八十字左右,介绍学校的情况,内容包括,...求英语作文,假设你是李明,收到了美国Alice的来信,写回信,八十字左右,介绍学校的情况,内容包括,学校为于海滨城市,在中心公园对面,这里的天气即不太热也不太冷,有六十个班,3000多个学生,二百位老师,每天早上六点起床,7:45上课,(1/2)最喜欢的课程英语,计算机等,盼望他有机会来学校参关提示词语:introduce.to.(2/2) acrossfrom neither too hot nor too cold


(2/2) acrossfrom neither too hot nor too cold

Dear Alice:
Thank you for writing to me. I'm very pleased to hear from you. Next I am going to say something about my school and my school life. My school is located in the beautiful seashore city. It’s opposite the Centre Park. The weather here is neither too hot nor to cold. There are 60 classes in our school. We have about 3000 students and over 200 teachers. We get up at six o'clock every morning. Classes begin at a quarter to seven. Our teachers are very kind to us. We get along well with each other. I like my school life. Would you like to come to my school? I hope so. Best wishes.
yours Li Ming