

Ⅰ、word spelling.(单词拼写)
1、They come from Canada,so they are___(加拿大人)
2、The new __(部长,大臣)will be __(批准)in office by the Queen.
3、This world we live in is divided into seven __(大陆).
4、The __(景色,风景)in the mountains is very beautiful.
5、She has always been____(包围)with fashional friends.
6.We reached the ___(港口)at sunset.
7.They took strong___(措施)against dangerous drivers.
8.It is a ___(传统)that the young look after the old in their faluily.
9.the animals were ___(吓坏)by the storm.
10.His words are strangly___(铭记)on my memery.
manage to;rather than;go on a tour of; leave for; on one's way.
1.She is a career woman______a house wife.
2.The mayor together with some officials is ____ the beautiful city.
3.He _____ write music although he was deaf.
4.For all I know ,he was ______ xi'an on a business trip.
5.I found a wallet_____ to the bank.

更正楼上数题,保证准确!Ⅰ、word spelling.(单词拼写)1、Canadians(名词复数)/ Canadian (形容词) 它们都可以表示人的种群2、minister,approved3、continents4、scenery5、surrounded6.port/harbour/harbor7.mea...