

I like singing,and I become a importantsinger when I grow up.
这是一个英语句子,请看一下有没有错误,如有,请指出来,并改正, 且 说 明 理 由!(重要的是理由!)
要求:用 a middle school student, learn, many subjects, after class, take part in, activity ,like, grow up, important写一篇50~60词英语短文,就是写一下最喜欢什么课外活动,活动之你多做什么等。请大家在帮帮忙吧。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

1.importantsinger 应该是两个词,应该分开写important singer2.原因;important 首字母发元音,改正:前面的定冠词a应改为an3.原因:在一般现在时中,有一种用法是:时间状语从句用一般现在时表示将来时态,改正:所以...你回答时important和singer也没有间隔开来呀,为什么说了又不做呢?呵呵失误,纯属失误.........对不起.........没关系的,能不能再回答一下我另一个问题呢,我可不能让人能在追问了,请你一下回答清楚可以吗?谢了!!Now, I'm a middleschool student. When I go to themiddleschool , I find that I have many subjects to learn.That's too tired! But no problem.I cantake part in some activities to relax. For example,when I feel sad,I will play basketball.And so on.You can see, I like playing basketball.Besides playing basketball, I also like running and playing tennis. After class, I always play ping-pong with my goodfriends.I feel that's so great! I like playing sports,so when I grow up,I will become a professional athlete.That's very important tp me!Come on!