英语作文:What I Should Do if I See a UFO急!


英语作文:What I Should Do if I See a UFO急!

给多少分啊?白写可不行.你要多少分?50吧40行波?我目前只有这么多,我第一次提问,给个面子吧Many people think that there are other lives in the universe apart from the earth. But few people think what we should do if we see a UFO. I think it is a very interesting question. If I see a UFO, I think I will be astonished in the very begining. Because I have never seen a UFO before, I don't know what will it do to me. Then I will calm down and try to take a picture for it. The UFO may find me and come down to me. I think they will not understand my language, but I will also try my best to say hi to them with gestures. I hope they can understand me and don't do harm to me. If everything goes smoothly, I will tell them that human beings are friendly and can make friends with them. If possible, I want to request them to leave a message to the people on earth. They may give me a letter or something from their planet.After that, I will hand over the pictures I've taken and the letter or gift left by the UFO to the scientists. I hope we can get a connetion with the UFO and make friends with the aliens who live in another planet. That will become a wonderful memory for me in my life.