选择正确的词whenever I buy anything new,my father always asks me the(value)(cost)(price) .


选择正确的词whenever I buy anything new,my father always asks me the(value)(cost)(price) .
If you hve to work for something you will (value)(price)(cost) it more.
that house (valued)(cost)(priced).
so far,ten countries have given money towards the(value)(price)(cost) of rebuilding after the earthquake.

whenever I buy anything new,my father always asks me the (price) .爸爸问”价格“
If you hve to work for something you will (value) it more.自己参与的东西会”珍惜“
that house (priced).那房子被”标价“.或 that house (cost).那房子”花了“.依据上下文而定.整句是什么呢?
so far,ten countries have given money towards the (cost) of rebuilding after the earthquake.重建的”花费“