英语翻译I think long holidays is very important when 你工作疲倦时,你就会想有一个长假期去旅行和放松一下自己.Types of food is also very important ,因为不同地方的人吃的食物也不同,不同种类的食物能提供客人不同的选择.我觉得leisure facilities也很重要因为当客人工作结束后,就会想去做运动或娱乐来放松一下自己.我觉得beautiful view也很重要因为当你工作疲倦时,望一望漂亮的风景心情都觉得非常好.我觉得discounts and free delivery 因为低价钱的产品是很容易吸引客人过来购买,所以这样就能提升产品的销售.我觉得作为一个好的销售代表Enthusiastis and communicative是很重要的,因为对客人热心能给客人留下好的印象,而交际能力强,就能招揽更多的客人来购买.


I think long holidays is very important when 你工作疲倦时,你就会想有一个长假期去旅行和放松一下自己.
Types of food is also very important ,因为不同地方的人吃的食物也不同,不同种类的食物能提供客人不同的选择.
我觉得leisure facilities也很重要因为当客人工作结束后,就会想去做运动或娱乐来放松一下自己.
我觉得beautiful view也很重要因为当你工作疲倦时,望一望漂亮的风景心情都觉得非常好.
我觉得discounts and free delivery 因为低价钱的产品是很容易吸引客人过来购买,所以这样就能提升产品的销售.
我觉得作为一个好的销售代表Enthusiastis and communicative是很重要的,因为对客人热心能给客人留下好的印象,而交际能力强,就能招揽更多的客人来购买.

1.you are tired of working, you should have a long journey and relax yourself.
2.because people in different place eat different food and various kind of food offer more choices to consumers.
3.i think leisure facilities is also important after the work finishes,client will relax themselves by sports and entertainment.
4..i think beautiful view is also important because when you are tired of working, it is comfortble to look at scenery
5 because products of low price attract consumer to buy them easily and then it will improve the selling of products
6i think Enthusiastis and communicatives are important for a good delegate of sales department,because being enthusiastic to customer will impress clients well ,moreover good communication will attract more clients to purchase

I think long holidays is very important when you work tired, you'll want a long holiday to travel and relax yourself.
Types of food is also very important, because the different places to eat different foods, different types of food can provide customers with choices.
I think the leisure facilities is also important because when the guests after work, you will want to do sports or entertainment to relax yourself.
I think the beautiful view is important because when you are tired of work, a look that beautiful scenery is very good mood.
I think the discounts and free delivery is very important because the low prices of products is very easy to attract customers come to buy, so this can improve product sales.
I think as a good sales representative Enthusiastis and communicative is very important because of the enthusiastic guests to give guests a good impression, and communicative ability, will be able to attract more customers to buy.

I think it is important to come your way work tired,you will want to have a long holiday to travel and relax ourselves.
Types of 75 is important,because - to different places of people eat food is different also,different Types of food can provide customers' different choice.
I think leisure facilities is also important because when the guest after work,they will want to do exercise or entertainment to relax ourselves.
I think step view is also important because when you work a look tired,look beautiful scenery mood all feel very good.
I think discounts and free delivery is very important because of low money products is easy to attract guests over purchase,so it can improve product sales.
I think as a good sales representatives Enthusiastis and communicative is important because of the guest enthusiastic can give a guest impression,and communication capability is strong,can get more guests to buy.