初二年级英语首字母填空,Some do and some don't it!Whales are divided into two main g_____.The first are toothed whales w______ have lots of teeth that use to c______ fish and other sea animals.This group includes killer whales and dolphins.The s_______ type are baleen whales.Humpback whales and grey whales are baleen whales.In f______,the biggest animal that ever existed —— even bigger than the dinosaurs——is the blue whale,and it doesn't have any teeth.


Some do and some don't it!Whales are divided into two main g_____.The first are toothed whales w______ have lots of teeth that use to c______ fish and other sea animals.This group includes killer whales and dolphins.The s_______ type are baleen whales.Humpback whales and grey whales are baleen whales.In f______,the biggest animal that ever existed —— even bigger than the dinosaurs——is the blue whale,and it doesn't have any teeth.