推荐:威尼英语学习网! 如果你想在英语能力上有提高,以下几点应注意,A多读;B多听,可以听广播,听英语的有声读物,有一个好办法也很有效果,就是多看英语电影,可以先从简单的看起,慢慢来,C多写,可以用英文记日记,结交英文笔友,这里英语是一种语言,不是记住了单词、词组、句型和语法项目就是把它学好了,关键在于使用语言,所以在学习英语时一定要注意听、说、读、写、译全面发展。英语学习首先是一个记忆过程,然后才是实践过程。学习英语,无论如何,勤奋是不可少的,任何成功的获得都要靠自己的努力,要踏踏实实、勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业、一步一个脚印地学习,端正态度,认真对待学习中的挫折和失败。失败并不可怕,可怕的是对自己丧失信心而一蹶不振。对考试的失败,冷静分析,认真思考,只要对胜利充满信心,善于总结经验教训,不断努力,不断追求,胜利一定是属于你们的
2009 年总统宣誓就职仪式,巴拉克•奥巴马宣誓前接受 CNN 采访
-…进入一个在奴隶肩上建起的历史性建筑。 - 是的。 - 你被成为非戏剧性的奥巴马。
-…move into a historic house built on the backs of slaves. -Yeah. -You're known as no-drama Obama.
- 好的,有些人说,他过去超然物外,过于冷静。你从未见过他动感情。 - 是的。
-Some people say, well, he's too detached and he's so cool; you never see his emotions. -Yeah.
This has to be incredibly overwhelming.
Obviously, it's an extraordinary personal moment, but, you know, you don't have to go back to slavery.
你可以想想 50 或 60 年前的华盛顿特区。
You can think about what Washington, D.C. was like 50 years ago or 60 years ago.
我现在站在这里并宣誓担任第 44 任总统的想法,我认为,是很有希望…
And the notion that I now will be standing there and sworn in as the 44th president, I think, is something that, hopefully…
…our children take for granted, but our grandparents, I think, are still stunned by it. And it's a remarkable moment.
- 你带着家人到林肯纪念堂。 - 是的。
-You took your family to the Lincoln Memorial. -Yeah.
What did you talk about, walking around and looking at the president and reading those walls?
Now this is a good story. I love the Lincoln Memorial at night. It always inspires me. So I take Michelle and the girls.
We're looking at the Gettysburg Address. And Michelle's describing what Lincoln's words mean.
The fact that these soldiers died on this battlefield means that any words that Lincoln could have said or any of us could have said would ring hollow.
They've already consecrated this ground, and what we have to do is to honor them by working for…
…for more just – uh, more justice, more equality here in America.
At which point, Malia turns to me, and she says, "Yeah, how are we doing on that, Mr. President-elect?"
- 家里的责任感。 - 当然。 - 是件好事。。
-Accountability in the house, -Absolutely. -that's a good thing.
And then we go and look at the - Lincoln's second Inaugural, which is on the other wall.
And Sasha looks up, and she says, boy, that's a long speech, do you have to give one of those?
I said, actually, that one is pretty short. Mine may even be a little longer.
At which point, then Malia turns to me and says, "First African-American president, better be good."
是的,她没有开玩笑! 下一个第一家庭的特殊时刻。周二,巴拉克•奥巴马将成为总统。
Yeah, she's not kidding! A special moment for the next First Family. On Tuesday, Barack Obama will be the President.
对话2:Behind the Gold MedalReporter:Congratulate you on earning all round champions!祝贺你获得全能项目的金牌!Yang Wei:Thank you!Reporter:At the moment can you tell us your feeling?你能告诉我们你此时...
visitor:excuse me!can you show me the way to shanghai museum?
you:sure,walk along with the nanjing road walkway,then turn left at the xizang road,and go along,then you will see the people square.the shanghai museum is inside of it.
visitor:oh,i see.thank you very much.
you:it‘s my pleasure!!