英语翻译只认识意思没学到用法所以不会- - 求人工翻译1.中国第一次载人航天飞行的成功震惊世界(shock)这句主要是中国第一次载人航天飞行翻不来2.估计他今天该出院了(release)3.观众被这个孤儿的苦难遭遇深深感动了(touch)4.这名军官建议派遣一架飞机去营救在山谷失踪的游客(recommend,rescue)


只认识意思没学到用法所以不会- - 求人工翻译

载人航天飞行 manned space flight
It is estimated that he will be released from hospital today.
The audience are deeply touched by the orphan's sufferings.
The commander recommend sending an airplane to rescue those tourists who lost in the valley.

1.The success of the first manned spaceflight in China shocked the whole world.
2.Estimately,he will be released from hospital today.
3.The audience was deeply touched by the sufferings of the orphan.
4.The officer recommend to dispatch a airplane to rescue the missing tourists in the vally.

1.the success of china first manned spaceflight shocked the world。
2.today he should leave the hospital。
3.the audience are touched by the sufferings of the orphan。
4.the officer recommend that an airplane should be dispatched to rescue the tourists who missed in the villege。

1.The sucess of chinese first manned space flight shocked the world
2.he is estimated to release from hospital
3.The audiences were deeply touched by the suffering of the orphan
4.the military officer recommended to despatch one plane to rescue the missing tourists in the valley

1.中国第一次载人航天飞行的成功震惊世界(shock)The success of China's first manned-space flight shocked the world.2.估计他今天该出院了(release)I/We guest he should be released from hospital today.3....

1.China's first manned space flight success shocked the world
2.He estimates that today the discharge from hospital
3. The audience was the orphan sufferings impressed
4..The officer suggested sending a plane to rescue in the valley of the missing touris 绝对手工我给你说

1、China 's first successful manned space flight shocked the world
2、Estimated that he release from hospital today
3、Spectators were touched deeply by the sufferings of the orphans
4、The Officer recommends to send a plane to rescue the missing tourists in the valley