“事情进展的怎么样”用英语怎么说?这里的事情 泛指工作,或者其他一些事情等.在美语里事情是不是用stuff更好?用How is thing going 或者How is it going ,how is stuff going?


这里的事情 泛指工作,或者其他一些事情等.在美语里事情是不是用stuff更好?
用How is thing going
或者How is it going ,how is stuff going?

How's it going?

地道翻译:How are things getting along?

口语中一般挺省略的,比如What's up? 或What's going on? 个人认为thing or stuff都是可以的。

一般说what`s going on就可以了。

How are you getting along with the work?How are things making out?How is your work coming along?你说的“How is it going ”也可以How is thing going,这句语法没错,但一般不用