英语翻译2012年12月21日黑暗降临后,12月22日的黎明永远不会到来.”历史上从来没有一个日期,能如2012年12月21日这样对人类产生巨大影响;玛雅文明预言它是世界末日,而各个文化、种族,全球的科学家、*,都无法预知这一天到底会发生什么 这段句子!



December 21. 2012, after darkness fell, 22 December dawn will never come. Never had a date in history, will be as December 21, 2012 ,it will be a great impact on human history . Maya civilization Forecast that it is a doomsday prophecy .But the various cultural, ethnic, global scientists, government can not predict what will happen in the final .


December 21, 2012, after the darkness falls,the dawn of December 22 will never come。Never had a date in history could do such a great impact on human as December 21, 2012;Mayan civilization is doomsday prophecy,The various cultural, ethnic, global scientists, government can not predict what will happen in the end of the day

Dec.21,2012,after darkness fell,22 December dawn would never come."History has never been a date,will be as December 21,2012 such a huge impact on humanity; Mayan civilization predicted that it is the end of the world,and various cultural,ethnic,global scientists,government can not foresee the day in the end will what
