A:Hi,Sue!Did you have fun in the mountains last weekend?B:Yes,I went there with some friends and we had fun.A:Did you stay in a _______?B:No,we stayed in tents.We _______ meals ourselves.A:Oh,_______?Sounds interesting!How was the ________there?B:It was sunny and cool.A:How about the _________ there?B:They were nice.Some of them helped us carry(提)_______ from the mountain stream(小溪).A:When did you get _________?B:This _______.We got up at 5:00,left at


A:Hi,Sue!Did you have fun in the mountains last weekend?
B:Yes,I went there with some friends and we had fun.
A:Did you stay in a _______?
B:No,we stayed in tents.We _______ meals ourselves.
A:Oh,_______?Sounds interesting!How was the ________there?
B:It was sunny and cool.
A:How about the _________ there?
B:They were nice.Some of them helped us carry
_______ from the mountain stream
A:When did you get _________?
B:This _______.We got up at 5:00,left at 5:30 and arrived at 8:30.
m very tired.How did you
_______ your weekend?
A:I just stayed at home and _________ nothing.


期中复习 习题精选(一)
1. A. month B. birth C. then D. tenth
2. A. like B. live C. find D. Friday
3. A. sleep B. study C. stop D. sure
4. A. angry B. afraid C. animal D. action
5. A. area B. leaf C. easy D. meat
B. 根据句意,选择最佳答案。
6. --What's in the box7
--There are many .
A. oranges B. orange
C. an orange D. the orange
7. --Do they like movies?
-- . They like sports.
A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don't.
C. Yes, they are. D. No, they aren't.
8. -- ?
--he is a waiter.
A. What does your father
B. what are your father
C. How is he
D. What does your father do
9. --Why does he like pandas?
-- .
A. Because they are smart
B. Because they are intelligent
C. Because they are a bit shy
D. Because they are very cute
10. -- the weather yesterday?
A. What is B. How is
C. How was D. What was
11. -- ?
--Yes, please. I'd like some meat.
A. What can I do B. What are you
C. Who are you D. Can I help you
12. , where's the jazz music?
A. I'm sorry B. Hi
C. Excuse me D. Please tell me
13. I don't like the black bears, because they are .
A. ugly B. interesting
C. beautiful D. smart
14. --Where are the pandas from?
A. South Africa B. Japan
C. China D. England
15. -- would you like?
--I'd like a piece of cheese.
A. How B. What
C. Why D. When
16. -- ?
--In a TV Station.
A. Where do you work
B. What do you do
C. What about you
D. How do you work
17. He'd like a large pizza mushrooms.
A. at B. in
C. for D. with
18. --where's Hua Lian Supermarket?
--Go straight, turn left at the first crossing. It's Bank of China.
A. on B. behind
C. next D. after
19. --What's your ?
--It's No. 6 on Center street.
A. address B. phone number
C. name D. country
20. --what's your favorite kind of music?
-- .
A. They're near the jazz
B. The Smith Family
C. The pop music
D. It's interesting
A. That's boring.
B. What about you?
C. She's a bank clerk.
D. You want to be a reporter.
E. I want to be a police office.
A: Hi, Mary, what does your mother do?
B: 21
A: Do you want to be a bank clerk, too?
B: Oh, no, no. 22 They usually spend (花费) all day counting money.
A: Then, what do you want to be?
B: 23
A: Oh, but that can be dangerous and difficult.
B: Yes, but it's also kind of exciting and interesting.
A: I like talking to people, meeting pop stars and VIPs, and writing stories.
B: 25
A: Yeah.
阅读短文,然后从短文后每小题的 ABCD中选出最佳答案。It's late at night. Scott is sitting on his bed and he's looking at his clock. His neighbors( 邻居 )are making a lot of noise and Scott is very angry.
The people in Apartment( 公寓) 2 are dancing.
The man in Apartment 3 is cleaning the carpet. The woman in Apartment 4 is practicing the violin. The high school students in Apartment 5 are listening to loud rock music. The dog in Apartment 6 is barking (犬吠). And the people in Apartment 7 are having
a big argument(争吵).
Scott can't stand ( 容忍) it. What can he do? And how can he spend (度过)such a long and sleepless night?
26. Scott's neighbors are .
A. noisy B. angry
C. singing D. sleeping
27. The people in Apartment 2 are .
28. The noisy people in apartment 5 are .
A. some high school students
B. some old people
C. some little gifts
29. The woman in Apartment 4 is .
30. The dog in Apartment 6 is
A. sleeping B. making noise
C. singing D. running
A. He's the king of animals. He likes eating meat.
So he's scary. But when he is small, he looks like
a cat and is very lovely.
B. She's very lonely. She comes from China. People love her very much. She likes eating bamboo (竹子). She's kind and shy.
C. He's tall and has a long nose and four strong (强壮的) legs. His teeth(牙齿) are long, too. His ears axe very big like two fans (扇子 ). He likes eating grass.
31. Which picture can match passage(段落) A?
A. Picture 1. B. Picture 2. C. Picture 3.
32. Which picture can match passage B?
A. Picture 1. Bi Picture 2. C. Picture 3.
33. Which animal is very lovely and shy?
A. Tiger B. Panda C. Elephant
34. Which animal likes eating grass?
A. Tiger B. Panda C. Elephant
35. looks like a cat when he is small.
A. Tiger B. Panda C. Elephant
一、1-5 CBDBA 6-10 ABADC 11-15 DCACB 16-20 ADBAC
二、21-25 CAEBD
三、26-30 ABACB 31-35 ABBCA
期中复习 习题精选(二)
even, old, another, say, finish, just, visit, early, follow, leave, wish, stay, hot, luck, kind, large, nurse, along, size, funny
1. / Q /
2. /i:/
3. /eI/
4. /k/
5. /[U /
6. /F /
7. /C /
8. /V:/
9. /dV/
10. /z/
1. Let's look at the (菜单)first.
2. --Can Hah Mei ( 画画) ?
--Yes, she can.
3. --What is your favorite day?
--It's ( 星期一).
4. She is from Australia. She s English.
5. Koala bears usually get up and e leaves at night.
6. I t China is a very interesting place.
7. Beijing Opera is __/ri[li/fun!
8. /WONks /for your letter and the photos.
9. I like /pleiiN/sports every day.
10. They /Kli: nd/their rooms over the weekend.
1. He (go) to school at 7: 00 last year.
2. I can (play) the guitar.
3. It's seven o'clock now. Tom (have) breakfast now.
4. Let's (see) the lions.
5. There (be) a cup of tea on the table just now.
6. The little boy can dance and sing (good).
7. He (read) today, s newspaper this morning.
8. (thief) are afraid of my father. He is a policeman.
9. I like (talk) to people and writing stories.
10. My birthday is June (four).
1. My birthday is October tenth. ( 就划线部分提问)
your birthday?
2. --Do you want to go to a movie? ( 对文句作肯定回答)
-- . I want to see an action movie.
3. I can play the guitar well. (变成一般疑问句)
play the guitar well?
4. She lived in Mexico City. (就划线部分提问)
she live?
5. Tom usually does his homework on Sunday. (用last night 改写)
Tom homework last night.
6. Mary likes a mushroom, tomato and cheese pizza. ( 改为否定句 )
Mary a mushroom, tomato and cheese pizza.
7. from, Lucy, is, too, Korea ( 连词成句)
8. I, want, to, a, be, doctor (连词成句)
9. Do you want to go to a pop music concert? (改成同义句 )
to go to a pop music concert?
10. ? (根据答语写出问句)
No, I don't like cheese. I like salad.

through the park on Center Avenue.
Let me tell you
animals do you like?
I want to be an actor .
the weekend?
— ?
any brothers and sisters?
一、1. another; funny 2. even; leave 3. say; stay 4. luck; kind 5. old; follow 6. finish; wish 7. hot; along 8. early; nurse 9. just, large 10. visit; size
二、1. menu 2. paint/draw 3. Monday 4. speaks5.eat 6. think 7. really 8. Thanks 9. playing 10. cleaned
三、1. went 2. play 3. is having 4. see 5. was 6. well 7. read 8. Thieves 9. talking 10. fourth
四、1. When is 2. Yes, I do 3. Can you 4. Where did 5. did his homework 6. doesn’t like 7. Lucy is from Korea, too 8. I want to be an actor 9. Would you like 10. Do you like cheese
五、1. John's birthday is July fifth/5/5th
2. Take a walk/have a walk/Go for a walk
3. the way to my house/how to get to my house
4. What other
5. because it's an interesting job
6. What did she do over
7. I want to join the art club
8. What time is it/What's the time
9. Who is/Who's your math teacher
10. Does he have
期中复习 习题精选(三)
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________
5. __________
6. __________
How’s the weather?
What are they doing?
What is he doing?
How’s the weather?
What are they doing?
How’s the weather?

一、1. tiger 2. penguin 3. panda 4. lion 5. koala 6. giraffe
1. It’s windy.
2. They are playing computer games.
3. He is eating a sandwich. / It’s hot.
4. They’re playing football. / It’s sunny.


