.许多科学家认为人类是由低级动物进化而来的.Many scientists think Man had ___ ___lower forms of life.5.我对他说的那番话,对你们大家都适用.What I've said to him ___ ___ all of you as well


Many scientists think Man had ___ ___lower forms of life.
What I've said to him ___ ___ all of you as well

Many scientists believe that humans are. From the lower animal evolved
I said to him the words, to you all applicable.

英语翻译题啊?呵呵,不懂,通常都是英文翻译中文的,没学过中文翻译成英语。估计第一道题是要你 填入 evolution 进化这个词。不过本人英语实在太差了。。。搞不清楚时态,动词名词。。。。

1been from
2.adapt to