……a lot of attention is being drawn to the chnage of names.It is widely accepted that name plays a significant part for both individuals and organitions,and what's more,a lot of attention is being drawn to the chnage of names.这里的drawn该怎么理解啊?我的英语不好,见笑了,呵呵.


……a lot of attention is being drawn to the chnage of names.
It is widely accepted that name plays a significant part for both individuals and organitions,and what's more,a lot of attention is being drawn to the chnage of names.

看动词的语态要注意主语,此处的主语是a lot of attention ,有个词组draw attention to,attention做宾语,表示动作的接受者,如果发过来作主语呢,动词就要用被动形式,understand ?

draw attention to是一个固定词组,意思是 关注。
而原文的意思就是 名字的变更备受关注。是被动用法~

出自短语 draw attention(对...关注,注意) 这里用的是被动语态和现在进行时时态;此句的意思是“再有,姓名的变化正越来越受到关注.”

draw attention to,这里是被动语态,所以用drawn