翻译成英语,不用网上翻译器. 急求!1 每当遇到不顺心的事,她就感到厌烦. (go against)2 有摆脱困境的办法吗? (a way out of)3 我能否借一下你的英语字典? (for a moment)4 战士们正在寻找在地震中失踪的人.(search for)5 我买票时请留神看着我的包. (keep one's eye on) 括号内为必需用到的短语


翻译成英语,不用网上翻译器. 急求!
1 每当遇到不顺心的事,她就感到厌烦. (go against)
2 有摆脱困境的办法吗? (a way out of)
3 我能否借一下你的英语字典? (for a moment)
4 战士们正在寻找在地震中失踪的人.(search for)
5 我买票时请留神看着我的包. (keep one's eye on)

1.She feels bored when something goes against her.
2.Is there a way out of the trouble?
3.Can I borrow your English dictionary for a moment?
4.The soldiers are searching for those who are missing in the earthquake.
5.Keep your eye on my bag when I go to buy tickets.