bring to mind & remind of 区别The photo ----happy memories of my early childhood.空格处为什么是brings to mind而不是reminds me to?而这都有使...想起,回忆起的意思.


bring to mind & remind of 区别
The photo ----happy memories of my early childhood.
空格处为什么是brings to mind
而不是reminds me to?

brings to mind 使...想起...的意思 整句话是这张照片使我想起小时候的快乐时光
remind me to 也是一样的意思 是某人想起... 唤起... 但是remind me to本身就有记忆的意思,后边再加一个memories就是重复,而且 remind me to 后边也不能直接加形容词

remind of sth.有提醒的意思···
bring to mind更适合此处的句意

bring to mind是个很形象的表达.”想起..”
remind一般这么用remind sb of sth.
EG:Yellow flower of rape always remind me of my childhood in the countryside