"Dad." Finally ,I call him father.This is the stepfather into our lives four years later ,I first time called him .Since the day that i was born,I have never seen my biological father.Mother would not said for me,too.I was sad to think that my father left,I would never felt the fatherly love.But appearance of my stepfather,clean up doubt and worries of my heart.In the summer vacation of sixth grade ,stepfather came to my home from Los Angeles.At that


"Dad." Finally ,I call him father.This is the stepfather into our lives four years later ,I first time called him .
Since the day that i was born,I have never seen my biological father.Mother would not said for me,too.I was sad to think that my father left,I would never felt the fatherly love.But appearance of my stepfather,clean up doubt and worries of my heart.
In the summer vacation of sixth grade ,stepfather came to my home from Los Angeles.At that time,I didn’t knew why do I have a stepfather,and why I have never seen my biological father.I though we can not became a family.I always think that I only have a father,even though we have never met,and he already left me and my mother.