高中英语阅读完形填空.Religious and private school receive little or no support from public taxes in the Unite States,and,as a result,are usually somewhat expensive to___1__ The largest group of religious school in America__2__by the Roman Catholic Church.While religious schools tend to be__3__expensive than private schools,there are usually some fees.When there is free education available to all children in the US,why do people___4___money on private schools?Am


Religious and private school receive little or no support from public taxes in the Unite States,and,as a result,are usually somewhat expensive to___1__ The largest group of religious school in America__2__by the Roman Catholic Church.While religious schools tend to be__3__expensive than private schools,there are usually some fees.
When there is free education available to all children in the US,why do people___4___money on private schools?Americans offer__5__great variety of reasons for doing so,including the desire of some parents to___6____their children to schools__7__classes tend to be smaller,or where religious instruction is included as part of the educational program,or because,___8___their opinion,the public schools in their area are not__9__high enough quality to meet their needs.Private schools in the US__10__widely in size,quality,and in the kind of program that are offered to meet__11__of certain student.
The degree__12__American parents are active in their children's school is often__13__to people of other countries.Most schools have organizations__14__of both parents and teachers,usually called P.T.A for Parent-Teacher-Association.They meet together to__15__various matters concerning the school.Parents often give their time to help with classroom or after school activities.
1.A.go B.attend C.take part in D.enroll
2.A.were run B.run C.is run D.is running
3.A.less B.more C.rather D.much
4.A.spend B.pay C.cost D.take
5.A.a B.the C.some D./
6.A.bring B.bringing C.send D.sending
7.A.which B.what C.in that D.where
8.A.to B.in C.on D.for
9.A./ B.in C.of D.on
10.A.differ B.varies C.extend D.differs
11.A.the needs B.the satisfaction C.needs D.need
12.A.on which B.to which C.which D.what
13.A.surprise B.surprised C.surprising D.striking
14.A.consisting B.comprising C.composing D.making up
15.A.talk to B.comment C.discuss D.exchange

本来英语是我的优势科,但是上高中后那些选择题,就是阅读理解还有完形填空总我虽然不是前辈,但是可以分享一下英语学习的方法. 背单词当然不能干背,拿

答案:1—5 BCAAA 6—10 CDBCA 11-15 ABCAC详1.attend school 固定搭配,上学,入学 enroll表示(学校)招生,吸收成员2.被动语态,且全文都用的是一般现在时,这里应该也一样,故应为 is run3.这个空有点难.根据后面than...