


Einstein in 1900 graduated from Zurich University in 1909 began teaching at the university, in 1914 the William and director of the Royal Institute of Physics Professor at the University of Berlin. After the forced resettlement in the United States, 1940 to the United States nationality.
The late 19th Century is the age of change physics, Einstein from the experimental facts and on the new test of the basic concepts of physics, in theory, made a fundamental breakthrough. Some of his achievements greatly pushed forward the development of astronomy. His quantum theory of astrophysics, in particular theoretical astrophysics have greatly affected. Theoretical Astrophysics of a mature aspects - star atmospheric theory is that in quantum theory and the theory of radiation on the basis built. Einstein's special theory of relativity successfully revealed the energy and quality of the relationship between the settlement of the long-standing sources of stellar energy problems. In recent years an increasing number of high-energy physics discovered phenomenon, the special theory of relativity to explain this phenomenon has become a basic theoretical tools. His general theory of relativity also solve a mystery for many years on astronomy, and inferred was later verified the light bending phenomenon, many also became the theoretical basis astronomical concepts.
Einstein's greatest contribution to astronomy none other than his theory of the universe. He founded the relativistic cosmology, the establishment of a static limited the boundless self-consistent model of the universe dynamics, and the introduction of the cosmological principle, the concept of curved space, and other new, greatly promoting the development of modern astronomy.

Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century and one of the greatest of all time.His discoveries and theories have greatly influenced science in many field...