1.用ignore的适当形式填空.( )by the host at the party,he was unhappy.2.完成下列句子.(1)He ————(受了好多苦,注:用上suffer这个词)when he was a child.(2)Do you often ————(遭受头痛的折磨吗,注:用上suffer这个词)?3.用go through 的适当形式填空.(1)I always start the day by ———— my mail .(2)My grandmother ———— great hardships in the past.4.根据括号内的提示,翻译下列句子.(1)我很担心玛丽,她在不停的咳嗽.(keep doing sth;be concerned about)


( )by the host at the party,he was unhappy.
(1)He ————(受了好多苦,注:用上suffer这个词)when he was a child.
(2)Do you often ————(遭受头痛的折磨吗,注:用上suffer这个词)?
3.用go through 的适当形式填空.
(1)I always start the day by ———— my mail .
(2)My grandmother ———— great hardships in the past.
(1)我很担心玛丽,她在不停的咳嗽.(keep doing sth;be concerned about)

1 ignored
2 suffered a lot,suffere from
3 going through ,has gone through
4 mary keeps coughing,i am concered about her