1.Tom( )( )in the garden while I was( )in the sun.2.As I was( )down the street,I( )Charlie.3.These two( )have been into the ( ) ( ) 4.Jane( ) ( ) the children( )this morning 5.Don't( ).The cup is( )of water 1.汤姆在花园工作,我晒太阳.2.当我走在街上时遇到了查理 3.她们姐妹俩已经进了海关 4.早上珍很早叫醒了孩子们 5.别担心,杯子中充满了水 都是翻译


1.Tom( )( )in the garden while I was( )in the sun.2.As I was( )down the street,I( )Charlie.
3.These two( )have been into the ( ) ( ) 4.Jane( ) ( ) the children( )this morning 5.Don't( ).The cup is( )of water 1.汤姆在花园工作,我晒太阳.2.当我走在街上时遇到了查理 3.她们姐妹俩已经进了海关 4.早上珍很早叫醒了孩子们 5.别担心,杯子中充满了水 都是翻译

Tom(was  )(working  )in the garden while I was( )in the sun.As I was(walking  )down the street,I( met )Charlie.3.These two(sisters  )have been into the ( custom ) (house ...