"There isn't any books in the bag."?There isn't any books in the bag.这句话正确吗?还是There aren't any books in the bag.


"There isn't any books in the bag."?
There isn't any books in the bag.这句话正确吗?
还是There aren't any books in the bag.

There aren't any books in the bag.正确(总感觉这个问题怪怪的,不至于那么简单吧)

any books 是主语,用aren't...
There is a cup on the table.
There isn’t a cup on the table.
Is there a cup on the table? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
There are some books in the bag.
There aren’t any books in the bag.
Are there any books in the bag? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
How many birds are there in the tree? There is only one.

book是可数名词陈述句式:There are some books in the bag.改为否定句,在be动词后加not,把some 改为any句式:There aren't any books in the bag.如果是There isn't any books in the bag.其中的名词,也就是“book...

any 前面用单数