选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语Mike doesn’t like science.He thinks it is less interesting than English.(c)与less...than相同A.as…as B.so…as C.not so…as D.not very…as为什么不能选DMother has gone shopping.She’ll be back in a minute ( B )与in a minute 相同A.later B.very soon C.on time D.at the moment为什么不能选A


Mike doesn’t like science.He thinks it is less interesting than English.(c)与less...than相同
A.as…as B.so…as C.not so…as D.not very…as
Mother has gone shopping.She’ll be back in a minute
( B )与in a minute 相同
A.later B.very soon C.on time D.at the moment

因为句子的原意是科学没有英语有趣,如果选D,意思就变成科学像英语一样没有趣.所以要选C实际上英语用not so…as或者not as…as表示“表不上某物怎么样,没有用D的表达这个意思的 接着这一题,我觉得不是说A不可以,是因...