请帮忙翻译一篇图表作文,麻烦翻译成英文如表中所显示2009年1到3月车祸数上升4月到5月车祸数量有所下降,5-8月车祸数又有显著上升,8月过后下降明显到12月车祸数从8月的最高40几起下降至10起.这些车祸中绝大部分车祸是由于酒驾引起的,8月的车祸中由于酒驾造成了60几人的伤亡,几乎每天都有车祸发生,这引起有关*的高度关注,于是8月开始展开了长期的酒驾检查,每天会有警察在路上检查驾驶员酒精含量是否超标,新闻也配合做了大力的宣传,酒驾的处罚力度也加大了.效果也很显著,近期因为醉酒造成的事故大大减少. 珍惜生命,远离酒驾



As shown in table 1 to March 2009 April to rising number of traffic accidents may decline number 5-8 months, the number of accidents and significant rise in August, after down significantly on December 8 months from the car several top 40 several drops to 10.
The accident was due to the majority of accidents caused by drunken driving, August crash caused by driving a person casualties, 60 almost every day, it is an accident caused by relevant government attention, and the beginning of August, long-term drunk driving in every way will have police alcohol content exceeds check, news also cooperate with the propaganda, made drunk driving also increased the punishment. Results is also evident, recently because of the accident caused by drunkenness is greatly reduced.
Cherish life, from drunken driving

As shown in table January to March 2009 April to rising number of traffic accidents may decline number 5-8 months,the number of accidents and significant rise in August,after down significantly on Dec...