1.Scientists are convinced___the positive effect of laughter___physical and mental health.A.of;at B.by;in C.of;on D.on;at2.The news shoocked the public,___to great concern about students' safety at school.A.having led B.led C.leading D.to lead3.The financial crisis that originated on Wall Street swept the world,thus___large numbers of workers jobless.A.leaving B.to leave C.left D.have left 4.It raind heavily in the south,___serious flooding in several


1.Scientists are convinced___the positive effect of laughter___physical and mental health.
A.of;at B.by;in C.of;on D.on;at
2.The news shoocked the public,___to great concern about students' safety at school.
A.having led B.led C.leading D.to lead
3.The financial crisis that originated on Wall Street swept the world,thus___large numbers of workers jobless.
A.leaving B.to leave C.left D.have left
4.It raind heavily in the south,___serious flooding in several province.
A.causded B.having caused C.causing D.to cause
5.By far,there are many problems___to be solved.
A.remaining B.remained C.being remained D.to remain

1.be convinced of sth.相信某事effect on sth.对某事的影响2.the news 为句子主语,shocked为谓语,leading为分词表结果,是主动。3.用2的方法理解一下句意。4.同25.rimaining为现在分词,表主动,修饰problems

5.a 这个题很经典,也是我到现在也很没把握的题,书上很多介绍这个的,回头查查吧 兄弟,这几道题很经典,我一道有把握的都没有。。。好题啊!呵呵

1.be convinced of sth.相信某事effect on sth.对某事的影响2.the news 为句子主语,shocked为谓语,leading为分词表结果,是主动.3.用2的方法理解一下句意.4.同25.rimaining为现在分词,表主动,修饰problems