- 中译英 thanks ,urgently.系一封complain信- 我已同我 china office China telcom 开完会,他亦有去试改 setting .但最后仍然有相同问题 download speed 非常慢.现象同之前一样去 Goolge 快,但去 office 365 非常慢.我要你正视呢个问题,如仍未改这对我非常失望,亦影响常运作.请尽快给我 feedback.


- 中译英 thanks ,urgently.
系一封complain信- 我已同我 china office China telcom 开完会,他亦有去试改 setting .但最后仍然有相同问题 download speed 非常慢.现象同之前一样去 Goolge 快,但去 office 365 非常慢.我要你正视呢个问题,如仍未改这对我非常失望,亦影响常运作.请尽快给我 feedback.

I am writing this letter regarding the XX. (In the beginning of the letter, indicate immediately what is the problem that you are complaining about. From what you wrote here, can't really tell if you ...