大学英语 统考题.答对80分以上追加100分...每一题都有分值 起码60+选为最佳答案一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分.)V 1.In addition to rice,we need to _______ our diet with fish,meat and vegetable.A.supplement B.replace C.add D.eat满分:5 分2._______________ is the population of Paris?A.How many B.Howmuch C.How D.What满分:5 分3.Let me _______ the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.A.look up B.look into C.look after D.look out满分:5 分4.Would you mind ____ the computer game in your room?A.him playing B


大学英语 统考题.答对80分以上追加100分...
每一题都有分值 起码60+选为最佳答案
一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分.)V 1.In addition to rice,we need to _______ our diet with fish,meat and vegetable.
A.supplement B.replace C.add D.eat
满分:5 分
2._______________ is the population of Paris?
A.How many B.Howmuch C.How D.What
满分:5 分
3.Let me _______ the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.
A.look up B.look into C.look after D.look out
满分:5 分
4.Would you mind ____ the computer game in your room?
A.him playing B.his playing C.him to play D.him play
满分:5 分
5.Would you like something ______________?
A.drink B.to drink C.drinking D.for drinking
满分:5 分
6.It was getting __________,he had to stop to have a rest
A.very darker B.dark and dark C.darker and darker D.darkest and darkest
满分:5 分
7.Since this road is wet and slippery this morning,it _______ last night.
A.must rain B.was raining C.must have rained D.may rain
满分:5 分
8.I know this is the secret between you and me,and I promise never to ________ it to anyone else.
满分:5 分
9._______,we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have enough data.
A.As a wholeB.As a ruleC.On the averageD.By all means
满分:5 分
10.TOEFL is a test for students _______ native language is not English.
满分:5 分
11.The bridge was named _____ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.
满分:5 分
12.When Lily came home at 5 p.m.yesterday,her mother __________ dinner in the kitchen.
A.cookedB.was cookingC.cooksD.has cooked
满分:5 分
13.Because of my poor English I'm afraid I can't make myself ______.
A.understandB.to understandC.understandingD.understood
满分:5 分
14.Mrs.Smith warned her daughter _______ after drinking.
A.never to driveB.to never driveC.never drivingD.never drive
满分:5 分
15.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket ______________ the desert.
满分:5 分
16.He served in the army for only _______ before he was sent back.
A.one and a half yearB.one year and a halfC.a year and a halfD.a year and half
满分:5 分
17.John’s father ________ mathematics in this school ever since he graduated from Harvard University.
A.taughtB.teachesC.has taughtD.is teaching
满分:5 分
18.As the busiest woman there,she made ______________ her duty to look after all the other people’s affairs in that town
19.It's really kind _______ .
A.of you to say soB.for you to say soC.of you saying soD.for you saying so
20.The computer doesn't work well,so something ______ wrong.
A.can have goneB.should have goneC.must have goneD.ought to haveg one

1-5 ADBBB 6-10 CCABC 11-15 ABDAA 16-20 BBDAC


1-5 ADBBB 6-10 CCABC 11-15 ABDAA 16-20 BCDAC

1/A; 2/D; 3/B; 4/B; 5/B; 6/C; 7/C; 8/A; 9/B; 10/C; 11/A; 12/B; 13/B; 14/D; 15/A; 16/A; 17/B; 18/D; 19/A; 20/C.