英语翻译1.An example drill for good posture would be to keep the body staright,then extend boeth arms with the club at waist level,with the club in the air at righe angles to the starget.Then bend from the waits,keeping the kness starighe until the cleb comes to the ground.The arms and body should be relaxed and the knees a little flexed.2.On the green,you`re allowed to mark your ball and clean it ,and you have to mark it if it lies in the path of someone


1.An example drill for good posture would be to keep the body staright,then extend boeth arms with the club at waist level,with the club in the air at righe angles to the starget.
Then bend from the waits,keeping the kness starighe until the cleb comes to the ground.The arms and body should be relaxed and the knees a little flexed.
2.On the green,you`re allowed to mark your ball and clean it ,and you have to mark it if it lies in the path of someone else`s putt.Simply place a marker-a coin is the accepted theing-behind the ball and lift the ball.If your ball is in line with sonmeone else`s putt and you are asked to move your marker,be sure to mark the ball first,then move the coin one or more putter head-lengths.this is not a big deal when playing with frends in a fun game .But it`s the rule to tournament play.And don`t forget to replace your marker in the right spot before you putt.

1 准备姿势是保持身体直立,然后将握着高尔夫球棒的胳膊放在与腰部同高的水平线上,球棒与地面保持一定的角度.
2 在实践中,你应该标记你的球并且干静利落的一击,如果球在别人的场地上你必须轻击.简单的在球的背面做上标记然后将球击出——标记物可以是硬币.若你的球与别人的在一条直线上那么换他击球,你要取消你的标记,确保第一个人做标,然后拿走硬币一个或多个击球者头长度.当你是在于朋友比赛这并没什么.但是这却是比赛当中的规则.必要忘记在你击球之前重新做标.