选词填空:英语.要速度,急!school hospital post office bookstore shoe storezoo cinema1 I'm not feling well.I want to see a doctor. Where shall I go?You can go to zhe( ).2 I am OK now.We can see a film. Let's go to the( ).3 We can buy books in zhe( ).We can buy shoes in zhe( ). 4 I want to post zhe letter. Shall I go tu zhe cinema? NO. Where shall I go? You should go to zhe( ).5 There are m


school hospital post office bookstore shoe store
zoo cinema
1 I'm not feling well.I want to see a doctor. Where shall I go?
You can go to zhe( ).
2 I am OK now.We can see a film. Let's go to the( ).
3 We can buy books in zhe( ).We can buy shoes in zhe( ).
4 I want to post zhe letter. Shall I go tu zhe cinema?
Where shall I go?
You should go to zhe( ).
5 There are many animals in it.You can wantch. Where is it?It's the( ).
6 There are many teachers and studebts.They are happy.It'the( ).

bookstore            shoe store
post office     