While waiting for the bus,I put my white stick into my bag.A little girl came up and asked me ,“ Would you please help me cross the street?I am afraid of cars.” “ Sure,”I said,“Let’s walk to where the white line are painted across the street.” The little girl said “ OK”.At the crossing,I said,“ now,look carefully.When you see no cars are coming,tell me.” In this way we crossed the street.Safely on the other side,The little girl thanked me and ran away


While waiting for the bus,I put my white stick into my bag.A little girl came up and asked me ,“ Would you please help me cross the street?I am afraid of cars.” “ Sure,”I said,“Let’s walk to where the white line are painted across the street.” The little girl said “ OK”.At the crossing,I said,“ now,look carefully.When you see no cars are coming,tell me.” In this way we crossed the street.
Safely on the other side,The little girl thanked me and ran away.I waited until the sound of her steps died away before taking out my stick to make the return crossing.
( )1.One day,the man wanted to cross the road.
( )2.A little girl helped the man.
( )3.The man helped the girl to cross two streets.
( )4.The man was blind.
( )5.They crossed the road safely finally.

1.F -waiting for the bus2.F -Would you please help me 这是小女孩说的3.T -little girl thanked me 4.T -white stick ,taking out my stick to make the return crossing.,stick是木棍,手杖的意思.5.T,-Safely on...