


In 1979 China promulgated the first criminal code, of which there are 15rules28penalty. After eighty time, progressive deterioration of the social security death configuration in the legislation to increase substantially, mainly focused on serious criminal crimes and serious economic crime. With the death penalty, life im*ment and3 years im*ment for punishment in our country current penalty structure in the proportion is too large, and to control, criminal detention, as the representative of the light punishment disposition slants apparently little. China's penal system exhibits a typical severe penalty structure current situation. However along with the development of human civilization and the penalty function of the reflection light punishment, hasten of structure of the world has become the direction of the reform of criminal law. Our country also begins to the death penalty and im*ment of a dominant position for the penalty structure question. The social transformation during," criminal law amendment ( eight)" emerge as the times require, limiting the death penalty, improve student punishment, legislation, judicial angle from whole China deformity of the penalty structure. Therefore, this article mainly from the following chapters.

In 1979 China promulgated the first criminal code,of which there are 15rules28penalty.After eighty time,progressive deterioration of the social security death configuration in the legislation to incre...