高三英语牛津版第一学期unit1课文REACHING OUT原文


高三英语牛津版第一学期unit1课文REACHING OUT原文

[00:-4.00]Students at New Point School enjoyed their breakfast more than usual yesterday
[00:-5.00]for it broke a 24-hour sponsored fast.
[00:-6.00]The students had all volunteered to go without food for one day
[00:-7.00]to raise funds for World Vision projects
[00:-8.00]to help the poor in underdeveloped countries.
[00:-9.00]Mr James Wood,their English teacher,
[00:10.00]said that the students had suggested the idea themselves,
[00:11.00]after seeing shocking pictures of famine in Africa.
[00:12.00]They arranged the whole thing.'he said.'I'm very proud of them.'
[00:13.00]Jane Austin,a senior High Grade 3 student,said,
[00:14.00]'It seemed wrong for us to have lots of food,
[00:15.00]while those innocent people were starving.
[00:16.00]'Donations of more than $24,000 have been collected.
[00:17.00]They came from the students' money for meals and money donated by sponsors
[00:18.00]The students were delighted with the total amount.
[00:19.00]'We were surprised that people were so generous.
[00:20.00]'said Alan Long,a Senior High Grade 1 student.
[00:22.00]Colourful signs,loud music
[00:23.00]and exciting games attracted hundreds of visitors to a charity fun fair
[00:24.00]at Rainbow School on Sunday.
[00:25.00]There were over 30 stalls at the fair,
[00:26.00]which was held in aid of flood victims in Bangladesh.
[00:27.00]Mr Anita Li,the organizer of the fair,said,
[00:28.00]'We were worried because there are so many charity appeals these days.
[00:29.00]It seemed possible that very few people would come.
[00:30.00]'At first it was difficult for me to think of new ideas for the stalls.
[00:31.00]But then I asked my students.They were able to make lots of suggestions.
[00:32.00]I was amazed at all their brilliant ideas.'
[00:33.00]All her worries were forgotten as the fair was crowded with excited people
[00:34.00]enjoying themselves in the warm autumn sunshine.
[00:35.00]The portrait sketching stall,karaoke stall,games and food stalls were busy all day
[00:36.00]Ms Li,a science teacher,calculated that the event had raised over $65,000.
[00:38.00]Over 200 students,teachers,parents and alumni of Hillside School
[00:39.00]took part in a 10 km walkathon to raise money recently.
[00:40.00]Andy Lever was the first home in just over an hour.
[00:41.00]He actually walked the whole distance.'
[00:42.00]The purpose of the walk is to raise funds for many school projects,'
[00:43.00]We want to purchase more books for the library,equipment for the science labs
[00:44.00]and to finance more school trips.'
[00:45.00]Mike Temple,a Senior High Grade I student,raised $11,900.
[00:46.00]'My mother agreed to sponsor me,'he said,'and she asked her friends.
[00:47.00]Many of them were willing to sponsor me,too.'
[00:48.00]The proceeds of the day came to over $150,000.'I was astonished at the total
[00:49.00]'said Stanley Lewis,who organized it.
[00:50.00]'We would have been satisfied with half of that amount.'

HELPING PEOPLESTUDENTS GO HUNGRY FOR CHARITYStudents at New Point School enjoyed their breakfast more than usual yesterday for it broke a 24-hour sponsored fast.The students had all volunteered to go ...